Sunday, March 6, 2011


Paisley is having a foot fetish of late.  Actually it's not just her feet.  She is constantly complaining that her sock hurts, or her panties hurt, or her pants hurt  . . .  I cannot get that child dressed without at least 10 minutes of crying, fussing, whining, about her clothes.  If she gets herself dressed, there is sometimes a bit less of it.  But even if she chooses her clothes then asks for help, she complains that they bother her.  She has just spent the last 20 minutes rolling around on the floor asking me to fix her sock.  She wanted to go outside, but wants socks, but thinks I can fix them.   I can't fix them.  I admit that clothing is just irritating in general.  Too bad we can't all go around completely naked all the time.  Society and weather won't really permit that sort of thing.  I think she just fell asleep on the floor mid tantrum.  So much for early bedtime . . .