Sierra is energy-plus. Everything she does, she does with gusto. She also loves school, many thanks to teachers who have been so good for her. She is the family hug-bug and loves to give and receive lots of hugs and squeezes from family and friends, and anyone who will stand still long enough for her to squeeze. Sierra has always been a night-owl, from the time she was tiny. Getting her to unwind and go to sleep takes awhile, then trying to get her awake in the morning is also a challenge. Sierra loves to play board games and card games and her Webkinz. She also likes sports and playing outside and will take on anyone in a round of Chinese Jumprope. Her constant energy makes her a bit more accident prone and she usually is sporting a Band-Aid or two. She inherited her mom's astigmatism in addition to a bit of a lazy eye and has been wearing glasses for a couple of years now. She is the family zoo-keeper--the bunnies (Flopsy and Mopsy) and the toads (Bumpy and Jumpy) are her personal pets and she loves playing with the kittens (Whiskers and Dusty) and Jack (our yellow lab.) We love our Sierr-Bear.
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