Thursday, April 16, 2009


Whiskers just had 3 baby kittens.  They are so tiny and cute.  I hope they make good farm cats for when we move out to the new place!



Quinn said...

Just caught up on your last couple of blogs. I am so sorry to hear about your hand being broken to boot. Glad it's almost better though. Boy I hear you with the toddler posts. (Not that I've posted in awhile) Tyler drives me nuts about - oh - all the time, except when he is being sooo cute and giggling. He is soooo 2. I wrestled for 10 Minutes to put pants on him today and I had my back turned for 2 min. and he had them back off. Some fights just aren't worth it. I let him be. Congrats on the kittens.

Erin L said...

Ana would LOVE to see the babies. Maybe we'll just have to make another trip over. The girls dresses are so cute. Good choices.

The Stones said...

Hey Coles- Tis the season for the kittens. I bet the girls are loving them! You all looked gorgeous on Easter Sunday!

Anonymous said...

oh i love kittens they are sooooo cute hope they not to much work